Revue’d: ROBOPoC
Ever found yourself wondering how the Snakes got on that Plane? Or where Godzilla goes on it’s day off?
Wonder no more, as the team behind the absurd and hilarious People of Colour (PoC) Revue have these questions (and far, far more) covered. The central premise: that a company that manufactures both linty socks and lint removers needs a way to appeal to the youth. The answer: RoboPoC, a diverse robot capable of winning ever-valuable PC points with young people. This serves as the (very brief) backdrop to a tour of this dystopian, lint-laden world not too different from our own.
It’s hard to write about the absurdity of the revue without revealing too much. A chorus-line of European settlers dances along to ‘Coloniser” (set to Britney Spear’s ‘Womanizer’), Godzilla opens up to friends for a quick D&M, and a dispute over the ownership of flying carpets is sent to…. well, Carpet Court.
The few quick gags are far overshadowed by the deeper takes that take their time to explore an idea, and let it run. Not everything is as high energy and some one-liners may fall flat, but take solace in this: there are few clichés, no rushed ideas, no Trump.
The longer scenes give the stars of the show their time to shine: Natali Caro a highlight as Pauline-lookalike Paula Hanstrom, Elijah Abraham as a werewolf, and Angela Prendergast as everything from the Carpet Court jester to Gold Logie™ Winner Scott Cam.
‘I’d go buy that for a dollar’ – and so should you. In it’s first year as an ‘official’ USU Revue Society, ROBOPoC sets a high standard.
Get in quick: PoC Revue has almost for Saturday, but head along tonight with $8 tickets by quoting ‘Student Rush’