FLASHBACK: ‘We’re The Good Guys’ By Saving Aimee
“This album is pop-rock made by a bunch of adults that were probably growing through a phase, because they all had the quintessential (terrible) haircuts of the emo times.”
FLASHBACK: ‘Futuresex/Lovesounds’ By Justin Timberlake
I’m revisiting Futuresex/Lovesounds because, for one, the cockiness of that title must be challenged, and two, I must analyse why I was so obsessed and sure that JT would be my husband and one-true-love.
FLASHBACK: ‘Let Go’ By Avril Lavigne
Welcome to FLASHBACK, where our phases become fodder for shame or flexes of a superior musical taste - even in our most embarassing ‘phases’. This week’s featured flashback: Avril Lavigne.