SUDS launches 2022 Film Festival
Sydney Uni Dramatic Society (SUDS) has announced its official 2022 film festival.
Following on from the success of the 2021 festival, the SUDS exec is excited to continue the festival into its second year. Entries have to be less than 8 minutes long and somehow incorporate the year’s theme The Secret Menu. Finalists will be judged by a panel of professionals from the film and theatre industries who will be announced closer to the date.
“It is the perfect opportunity for filmmakers of all experience levels to create their works in a low-stakes environment, and to have it screened in a theatre,” The SUDS exec said in a statement.
Expressions of interest for the festival are open now, with the final films being due on the 15th of April. Award categories for the festival will include Best Picture, Runners Up, Best Actor/Actress, and People’s Choice Award, voted by the audience on the night. While prizes are currently TBC there was over $1000 in prizes on offer in 2021.
SUDS is also working with local organisations to try to secure an open-air cinema opportunity on April 29th for the festival screening and awards night.
Find out more info in the festival handbook here