Report: Manning Bar Thriving During Campus Lockdown

USyd’s favourite music-venue-turned-study-space has recently reported its liveliest night of the year.

On Wednesday April 1st, a decontamination squad sweeping Manning House populated the struggling venue, filling the bar to its legal capacity of two.

“It’s been a long time since USyd has had the liveliest nightclub in all of Sydney,” a rep from the USU told SERG.

USU President Connor Wherrett spoke to Honi back in February, stating that: “the decision to shut the bar’s daytime operation was a response to clubs’ calls for more event spaces and the significant drop in student-use of the bar over the past year.”

“Ever since the campus closure, the foot traffic is really picking up” said a Manning staff member, hurriedly pouring watered down 2-for-$15 Vodka Red Bulls. “Turns out all the lecturers really need help taking the edge off for those Zoom calls.”

When questioned if that decision would be reversed in light of recent events, the USU responded: “To be honest, Manning and Hermann’s combined losses of $245,000 a year is nothing compared to what the rest of the University is facing at the moment”.


Whether or not the now-bustling venue’s popularity will continue is yet to be seen. Although, SERG can confirm that the venue has added iconic Australian bands such as ‘The Cockroaches’ and ‘Dune Rats’ to their lockdown line up in the coming months.