Day 2: Election Blog Blog
Today marked both the start of open polling and the day USyd’s collective media outlets shat themselves in an attempt to provide coverage of these elections which would appeal to the ~~mainstream student~~ not already out there wearing a Gildan shirt. In case you were lost in the fog we decided to bring you UNPARALLELED LIVE COVERAGE OF THE SRC ELECTION COVERAGE. Confused? So are we.
Here’s a very uncomprehensive look at what’s on offer:
Usyd Update
Our cousins in the world of online-only relegation, Update have provided exit polling during the day as well as touting a LIVE wrap up at 6pm. Their exit polling showed just how close both the Honi and Presidential Races are, with the lead swinging from SIN to TIME between 12pm and 6pm.
BREAKING: There’s a change in the Honi lead, but the races are closer than ever. We’re LIVE with the full first day results of our USYD Update Exit Poll right now.
Posted by USYD Update on Wednesday, 21 September 2016
“Update has an outstanding reporting team, and we’re the only media outlet on campus without an affiliation with the uni, union or SRC, so it made sense to us to track the booths today and release our exit poll results quickly on Facebook.
We want our audience to know they can come to us for independent news and analysis, along with the top notch life, culture and comedy videos that have made Update the second largest outlet on campus in just one year.”
Pulp both surprised everybody and nobody at once with their… *ahem* Pre-Poll Exit Poll. The surprise was the depth of the coverage, the lack of surprise was the wave of support for TIME, even on a day normally reserved for the stu-pol faithful. The only outlet with their own app (included in the USU Access iOS / Android apps), Pulp could revolutionise the game sending push notifications to voters and live updates of booth capacities and other *relevant* news. Thank god they don’t.
Pulp declined to comment based on their lack of coverage yesterday.
Honi Soit
Thatsa one spicy meatball.
Honi has published:
and this gem about current SRC President Chloe Smith. Who said student politics is boring?! Seriously though, they opened their blog with the line ‘Welcome to Student Politics Christmas™’, and really, is it not? Especially as Honi’s polling shows a dead heat between all three future Honi tickets and the President race remains within 3 points of a tie-race.
However, it’s been said Honi’s bias is leaking, as a photo was published of a competing ticket campaigning using Ignite’s trademark black and white, without comment of potential threat from the RO. SHAME!
Honi declined to comment but provided background for this section.
It’s rumoured they are planning ‘Washington Post / New York Times’ levels of coverage on their website tonight, and they will be present in the tally room and normally receive updates from naughty, naughty scrutineers.
Honey Soy
The satirical vehicle was present at the Honi Debate and was extremely disappointed that they had not been given the chance to represent their young paper. They asked not to be mentioned in this article, however have savaged several groups in recent articles.
Hoenie Swah
Hoenie has been quite active on Facebook recently, either under threat from start-up Honey Soy, or due to possible lamenting frustrations that the author’s time at USyd is coming to a close. They provided this statement:
at hoenie swah we seek to provide clear objective news sourced from on ground reporters, aerial drones and examining chicken bones.
as always, our official stance on “honi” elections is: they are a farce designed to cover up the fact that, since 1882, editors have been mass-bred in the spawning pools beneath Wentworth like horrible hack chihuahas.
mainstream election coverage has refused to critically examine the honi narrative and has consistently buried the true story of how hoenie editors are elected.
“Do something funny at the end like “The SURG FM Blog, when approached for comment by SURG FM, did not respond””
Cameron Caccamo