SEM 2 ’24: Checks & Challenges
Wednesdays 10-11AM Biweekly with Allison Mackey
“Welcome to Checks & Challenges! Each fortnight we interview a different guest in politics or civil society in hopes of leeching off their infinite expertise. Do you wonder about the viability of NGOs as a means of driving change? Or about the future of political satire in an age where politics and entertainment are increasingly intertwined? If you’re the one person who answered “yes,” you’re going to LOVE this show! If not, I can fix you! (No, really, I can.) Together, we can understand some of the Checks & Challenges that dictate global politics. Because by understanding them, we assume the power to shape them.”
What’s ur majorrrr?
“International Relations.”
What single album you taking with you to a desert island?
“”Folklore” by Taylor Swift.”
What’s your ‘death row meal’?
“Sweet potato casserole Thanksgiving-style (iykyk) with brown rice and grilled salmon. Chocolate eclair squares for dessert. 🤌”
Favourite live show of ALL TIME?
“Taylor Swift on the Red tour in Nashville (met her backstage before the show and haven’t been the same since).”
Who, dead or alive, would you invite to your dinner party?
“Jon Stewart, Valerie Plumwood and Nathan Fielder.”
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